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Molding Cog

Barbed Threads For Mechanical Traction

Molding Cog

Dr K Regen Lift polydioxanone Molding Cog threads are bi-directional barbed threads designed from a mold to create more powerful traction. The spicule is on the outside of the threads and therefore offers longer life and much greater staying power against the weight supported.

A spicule design intended to maximize the holding force in the various areas of application with the minimum different areas of application with minimal discomfort to the patient.

References Double Molding Cog
ReferenceNeedle GaugeNeedle LengthThread LengthThread Thickness (USP)
19G70 L-Cánula19G70mm150mm2-0
19G100 L-Cánula19G100mm180mm2-0
18G100 L-Cánula18G100mm180mm2-0
The design of the Molding Cog is intended to maximize the clamping force in the various areas of application with minimal discomfort to the patient.
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